
Thursday, 2 April 2015

M.A.D.D. Programme


Today we caught up with our MADD Programme session with Petia only because Caroline or  Leah couldn't make it but they did send their apologies. We still continued with our programme though.

We firstly started off with trying to remember what happened the last time we were with MADD.Students were saying stuff about what smarts we were like self smart,people smart,body smart,picture smart,word smart,number smart and music smart.We also talked about Parris Goebel last time so she was mentioned in that part of the programme.Petia said she was a great dancer and what kind of smart she was.Parris Goebel was body smart.

After talking about that we started talking about more famous people like Sonny Bill William.Petia was explaining how Sonny Bill William  achieved his goal by practicing and practising.Petia then got these cards with the first one saying “10,000 Hours”.That card meant like if you could do what you love for 10,000 hours you could be a master at it.

Then Petia got another card that said “Make as many Mistakes as you can”.The meaning of that card meant that it’s good to make mistakes.Because when you make mistakes you learn from it,but if you keep doing the same mistakes again and again it wouldn’t be much help.So instead of making the same mistakes again you could learn from it and change it to something that could help you.

The next card was now up and it said “NO is KNOWLEDGE”.For this card we didn't quite understand what that quote meant so Petia explained the meaning.First he grabbed a volunteer from the audience.Fraser volunteered.Once Fraser was up they did a little skit.

The skit was about Fraser trying out for a basketball team but Fraser wasn’t very good with basketball so the coach Petia said “No”.But Petia didn’t only say no he told Fraser what he needed to work on.So when Petia said no,he also gave Fraser knowledge on what he needed to work on.

There was then another card that had a different quote that said “Every Time You Have the Opportunity Play” this quote meant every time you have the chance to practise your talent, go for it.So when you have the chance take a risk and play.

As you can see the the quote didn’t say every time you have the opportunity work or do your job.Why? because your talent should be something you love and enjoy to do,not something that you dislike and just do because you have too.

Now was the last card that had “PLAY PLAY PLAY” which meant something like practise practise practise your talent so you could get better and be the best you can be at it.

Soon after the last card we were split into groups that had to practise a skit about any talent and present it to the students with us.First up was suppose to be the group I was in the artists but we weren’t ready so we had to miss out which was kind of sad but there were still other people ready to present.

So instead of starting with the artists the rugby people went up and they did a little skit about everyone training except for one of the players that Moses played.Moses character thought he was too good to practise but,then they had a tournament and there was no more time for practise.When Moses was playing in the game he made them lose because he didn't know the rules since he didn’t join his team when they were training.

The second group were the musicians.The musicians did there skit about 4 people playing judges on NZs Got Talent while Fusi was being one of the people auditioning.Fusi then went out on to the stage played her music using the ukulele.The problem was that she wasn’t very good.So the 4 judges said No but like on one of the cards it said No is Knowledge so after they said no they gave her knowledge on what she needed to do to get better.Kyana-Lee one of the judges said 2 years later and Fusi came back to NZs Got Talent and played her music again.This time she was so awesome at playing the judges faces looked stunned and suprised giving Fusi yes from all judges.That was the end of they’re skit so we moved on to the last group.

The last group were the people that liked playing video games.That group had 4 people playing a the video game with the others being the wrestlers in the game.Once all of them were done picking their players they just started playing the game.The people in the game were pretending they were using chairs to hit each other and pretending to punch each other (No one was hurt in this skit).But one of the players didn’t know the rules and still kept played.The person that didn’t know the rules lost the game.This skit was kind of like the first group.Someone didn’t know what to do and lost the game.

The MADD Programme almost came to an end but Petia firstly drew a picture
of Wonder Women,while we were listening to music and watching him.Petia finished his picture in a little while later.

When Petia had a completed his  drawing I saw it and thought he did an awesome drawing of Wonder Women. Not to long later we had to go back to class after.So we all said bye to Petia.

I thought our session with Petia was very important and interesting at the same time.I also thought that what we learnt with Petia was helpful for the future.

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