
Friday, 10 April 2015

Grandparents House

At my Grandparents House I was watching Fresh Housewives of South Auckland, and just kept laughing and watching it over again with my aunt Clare and sister,Dora who had been dropped off by my parents this morning. My aunt and I had been imitating the characters in the show, while at the same time trying not to laugh.

After our awful acting my Grandma came in and told us to go clean the kitchen while she helps Grandpa outside.So like good kids we listened to my Grandma and reacted quickly, but since the kitchen wasn’t that dirty we got everything cleaned up fast.

Once the kitchen was clean Clare,Dora and I went into the room that my Grandpa finished fixing and played around in it.The floor in the room was slippery so we were just sliding on it and playing around.

Until my Grandma came to the window and inappropriately threw a piece of plant at me when I wasn’t looking.As soon as I saw the plant I turned around looked at my Grandma and threw it back at her. We both started laughing. We didn’t throw it hard so no one got hurt. But before my Grandma left she told Clare to go and iron the washing so we went downstairs to go help Clare.

We were then helping her,well I was helping her while my little sister was just playing games on her laptop.Luckily for Dora it was fine that she had been playing on her computer,  since the work we were doing wasn’t a complicated job.Ironing the washing was also a job we got done quickly too.

That job was done and I went into the next room to get something while this song Don’t Judge Me by Chris Brown was playing.Then out of no where I hear “Im A Barbie Girl!!!” with my sister laughing.I decide to go see what was happening in the other room and see my Grandma dancing with my sister,so I just joined in with them.We were dancing for a while but our dancing soon came to an end, with the song too.

I thought today was a fun,funny and exceptional day because I had lots of fun playing around and dancing with my Grandma.Dancing with my Grandma was the best part of my Day. So far the holidays have been interesting, filled with laughter and happiness.


Manuae said...

Wow I loved your recount and it sounds like you are having a blast and guess what I cut my hair up to my shoulders and I hope you come to the bread thingy on Tuesday

Amy Tofa said...

Wow I watched Fresh Housewives of South Auckland too. They make me laugh. I wondered why the episodes are so short? The episodes I have been watching are about 4 to 5 minutes long. Is that the same as what you watched. My favourite character is the good wife. Well not quite sure if she is a good wife but she is a very good actor with all her facial expressions. Thanks for the exciting recount.

Tauola said...

The programme is short for me too. My favorite character is the good wife as well for the same reason.

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